Cited by
Aavudai Anandhi. (2017) CISTA-A: Conceptual model using indicators selected by systems thinking for adaptation strategies in a changing climate: Case study in agro-ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 345, 41-55.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2017.
R. Arlinghaus, J. Alós, B. Beardmore, K. Daedlow, M. Dorow, M. Fujitani, D. Hühn, W. Haider, L. M. Hunt, B. M. Johnson, F. Johnston, T. Klefoth, S. Matsumura, C. Monk, T. Pagel, J. R. Post, T. Rapp, C. Riepe, H. Ward, C. Wolter. (2017) Understanding and Managing Freshwater Recreational Fisheries as Complex Adaptive Social-Ecological Systems. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 25:1, 1-41.
Online publication date: 11–Oct–2016.
Umaporn Pupphachai, Christian Zuidema. (2017) Sustainability indicators: A tool to generate learning and adaptation in sustainable urban development. Ecological Indicators 72, 784-793.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2017.
Maria Laura Ruiu, Giovanna Seddaiu, Pier Paolo Roggero. (2017) Developing adaptive responses to contextual changes for sustainable agricultural management: The role of social capital in the Arborea district (Sardinia, Italy). Journal of Rural Studies 49, 162-170.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2017.
Martina K. Linnenluecke, Martie-Louise Verreynne, Margarietha J. de Villiers Scheepers, Chanel Venter. (2017) A review of collaborative planning approaches for transformative change towards a sustainable future. Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 3212-3224.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2017.
Sunita Chaudhary, Andrew McGregor. 2017. Ecosystem Services. Reference Module in Life Sciences.
Jordan M. West, Catherine A. Courtney, Anna T. Hamilton, Britt A. Parker, Susan H. Julius, Jennie Hoffman, Karen H. Koltes, Petra MacGowan. (2017) Climate-Smart Design for Ecosystem Management: A Test Application for Coral Reefs. Environmental Management 59:1, 102-117.
Online publication date: 12–Oct–2016.
Karen Hutchins Bieluch, Kathleen P. Bell, Mario F. Teisl, Laura A. Lindenfeld, Jessica Leahy, Linda Silka. (2017) Transdisciplinary research partnerships in sustainability science: an examination of stakeholder participation preferences. Sustainability Science 12:1, 87-104.
Online publication date: 21–Mar–2016.
David Butler, Sarah Ward, Chris Sweetapple, Maryam Astaraie-Imani, Kegong Diao, Raziyeh Farmani, Guangtao Fu. (2017) Reliable, resilient and sustainable water management: the Safe & SuRe approach. Global Challenges 1:1, 63-77.
Online publication date: 17–Jun–2016.
Graeme S. Cumming, Tiffany H. Morrison, Terence P. Hughes. (2016) New Directions for Understanding the Spatial Resilience of Social–Ecological Systems. Ecosystems.
Online publication date: 26–Dec–2016.
Luciana Lazzeretti, Philip Cooke. (2016) Responding to and resisting resilience. European Planning Studies, 1-9.
Online publication date: 22–Dec–2016.
Azadeh Hemati, Megan A. Rippy, Stanley B. Grant, Kristen Davis, David Feldman. (2016) Deconstructing Demand: The Anthropogenic and Climatic Drivers of Urban Water Consumption. Environmental Science & Technology 50:23, 12557-12566.
Online publication date: 6–Dec–2016.
David G. Angeler. (2016) Heavy metal music meets complexity and sustainability science. SpringerPlus 5:1.
Online publication date: 21–Sep–2016.
Qirui Li, T.S. Amjath-Babu, Peter Zander. (2016) Role of capitals and capabilities in ensuring economic resilience of land conservation efforts: A case study of the grain for green project in China’s Loess Hills. Ecological Indicators 71, 636-644.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2016.
Brett L. Bruyere, Jonathan Trimarco, Saruni Lemungesi. (2016) A comparison of traditional plant knowledge between students and herders in northern Kenya. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 12:1.
Online publication date: 13–Oct–2016.
Brian C. Chaffin, Ahjond S. Garmestani, David G. Angeler, Dustin L. Herrmann, Craig A. Stow, Magnus Nyström, Jan Sendzimir, Matthew E. Hopton, Jurek Kolasa, Craig R. Allen. (2016) Biological invasions, ecological resilience and adaptive governance. Journal of Environmental Management 183, 399-407.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2016.
Ulrich J. Frey, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Insa Theesfeld. (2016) A continuum of governance regimes: A new perspective on co-management in irrigation systems. Environmental Science & Policy 66, 73-81.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2016.
Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Agnes Mwangwela, Chisoni Mumba, Filomena Dos Anjos, Bettie S. Kawonga, Richard Hopkins, Linley Chiwona-Kartun. (2016) Assessing and managing intensification in smallholder dairy systems for food and nutrition security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Regional Environmental Change 16:8, 2257-2267.
Online publication date: 24–Jul–2015.
Marcos Horacio Easdale, Martín Roberto Aguiar, Raúl Paz. (2016) A social–ecological network analysis of Argentinean Andes transhumant pastoralism. Regional Environmental Change 16:8, 2243-2252.
Online publication date: 7–Jan–2016.
Philippa J. Cohen, Sarah Lawless, Michelle Dyer, Miranda Morgan, Enly Saeni, Helen Teioli, Paula Kantor. (2016) Understanding adaptive capacity and capacity to innovate in social–ecological systems: Applying a gender lens. Ambio45:S3, 309-321.
Online publication date: 22–Nov–2016.
Lemlem Aregu, Ika Darnhofer, Azage Tegegne, Dirk Hoekstra, Maria Wurzinger. (2016) The impact of gender-blindness on social-ecological resilience: The case of a communal pasture in the highlands of Ethiopia. Ambio 45:S3, 287-296.
Online publication date: 22–Nov–2016.
Craig Brown, Richard R. Shaker, Runa Das. (2016) A review of approaches for monitoring and evaluation of urban climate resilience initiatives. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2016.
Patricia Romero-Lankao, Daniel Gnatz, Olga Wilhelmi, Mary Hayden. (2016) Urban Sustainability and Resilience: From Theory to Practice. Sustainability 8:12, 1224.
Online publication date: 25–Nov–2016.
Vanessa Armendáriz, Stefano Armenia, Alberto Atzori. (2016) Systemic Analysis of Food Supply and Distribution Systems in City-Region Systems—An Examination of FAO’s Policy Guidelines towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems. Agriculture 6:4, 65.
Online publication date: 7–Dec–2016.
Anna (Anya) Phelan, Sander Jacobs. (2016) Facing the true cost of fracking; social externalities and the role of integrated valuation. Ecosystem Services 22, 348-358.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2016.
Lyndal Hasselman. (2016) Adaptive management; adaptive co-management; adaptive governance: what’s the difference?. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 1-16.
Online publication date: 13–Nov–2016.
Jeffrey M. Widener, Travis J. Gliedt, Preston Hartman. (2016) Visualizing dynamic capabilities as adaptive capacity for municipal water governance. Sustainability Science.
Online publication date: 4–Nov–2016.
Lila Singh-Peterson, Steven J. R. Underhill. (2016) A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation. Community Development, 1-17.
Online publication date: 2–Nov–2016.
B. L. Turner II. (2016) Land system architecture for urban sustainability: new directions for land system science illustrated by application to the urban heat island problem. Journal of Land Use Science 11:6, 689-697.
Online publication date: 24–Oct–2016.
Christopher Bone. (2016) A complex adaptive systems perspective of forest policy in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 112, 138-144.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2016.
Suzanne Morse Moomaw. (2016) Improving local results: Fusing community design and community development. Community Development 47:5, 670-682.
Online publication date: 7–Sep–2016.
Katherine A. Spielmann, Matthew A. Peeples, Donna M. Glowacki, Andrew Dugmore. (2016) Early Warning Signals of Social Transformation: A Case Study from the US Southwest. PLOS ONE 11:10, e0163685.
Online publication date: 5–Oct–2016.
Chandani Panditharatne. (2016) Institutional barriers in adapting to climate change: A case study in Sri Lanka. Ocean & Coastal Management 130, 73-78.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2016.
Linda Laikre, Carina Lundmark, Eeva Jansson, Lovisa Wennerström, Mari Edman, Annica Sandström. (2016) Lack of recognition of genetic biodiversity: International policy and its implementation in Baltic Sea marine protected areas. Ambio 45:6, 661-680.
Online publication date: 20–Apr–2016.
Gina Ziervogel, Anna Cowen, John Ziniades. (2016) Moving from Adaptive to Transformative Capacity: Building Foundations for Inclusive, Thriving, and Regenerative Urban Settlements. Sustainability 8:10, 955.
Online publication date: 20–Sep–2016.
Michael Nelson, Kevin Zak, Toby Davine, Stephanie Pau. (2016) Climate Change and Food Systems Research: Current Trends and Future Directions. Geography Compass 10:10, 414-428.
Online publication date: 5–Oct–2016.
S. García-Ayllón. (2016) Integrated management in coastal lagoons of highly complexity environments: Resilience comparative analysis for three case-studies. Ocean & Coastal Management.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2016.
Lisa M. Butler Harrington. (2016) Sustainability Theory and Conceptual Considerations: A Review of Key Ideas for Sustainability, and the Rural Context. Papers in Applied Geography 2:4, 365-382.
Online publication date: 2–Nov–2016.
Giulia Sonetti. (2016) Di cosa parlano quando parlano di resilienza urbana. CRIOS:12, 55-66.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2016.
Fei Du, Kenji Okazaki. (2016) Building improvement responses to multi-hazard risk in the historic Dali Dong Village, Guizhou, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 19, 64-74.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2016.
Vivian M. Nguyen, Abigail J. Lynch, Nathan Young, Ian G. Cowx, T. Douglas Beard, William W. Taylor, Steven J. Cooke. (2016) To manage inland fisheries is to manage at the social-ecological watershed scale. Journal of Environmental Management 181, 312-325.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2016.
Helena Kahiluoto, Janne Kaseva. (2016) No Evidence of Trade-Off between Farm Efficiency and Resilience: Dependence of Resource-Use Efficiency on Land-Use Diversity. PLOS ONE 11:9, e0162736.
Online publication date: 23–Sep–2016.
Ulrich J. Frey. (2016) A synthesis of key factors for sustainability in social–ecological systems. Sustainability Science.
Online publication date: 13–Sep–2016.
Hardi Shahadu. (2016) Towards an umbrella science of sustainability. Sustainability Science 11:5, 777-788.
Online publication date: 28–May–2016.
Ayyoob Sharifi, Yoshiki Yamagata. (2016) On the suitability of assessment tools for guiding communities towards disaster resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 18, 115-124.
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Daniel Gallagher, Heather Cruickshank. (2016) Planning under new extremes: resilience and the most vulnerable. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Municipal Engineer 169:3, 127-137.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2016.
Matthew Dennis, Richard P. Armitage, Philip James. (2016) Social-ecological innovation: adaptive responses to urban environmental conditions. Urban Ecosystems 19:3, 1063-1082.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2016.
Joshua Mullenite. (2016) Resilience, Political Ecology, and Power: Convergences, Divergences, and the Potential for a Postanarchist Geographical Imagination. Geography Compass 10:9, 378-388.
Online publication date: 4–Sep–2016.
Stefan Gelcich, Jay O’Keeffe. (2016) Emerging frontiers in perceptions research for aquatic conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26:5, 986-994.
Online publication date: 28–Sep–2016.
Carmen E. Elrick-Barr, Timothy F. Smith, Benjamin L. Preston, Dana C. Thomsen, Scott Baum. (2016) How are coastal households responding to climate change?. Environmental Science & Policy 63, 177-186.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2016.
Arttu Malkamäki, Anne Toppinen, Markku Kanninen. (2016) Impacts of land use and land use changes on the resilience of beekeeping in Uruguay. Forest Policy and Economics 70, 113-123.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2016.
Frank L. Bartels, Ritin Koria, Liliana Andriano. (2016) Effectiveness and efficiency of national systems of innovation: A comparative analysis of Ghana and Kenya. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development8:4, 343-356.
Online publication date: 3–May–2016.
Tara L. Ramani, Josias Zietsman. (2016) Sustainable transportation – alternative perspectives and enduring challenges. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 1-16.
Online publication date: 17–Aug–2016.
Britta Restemeyer, Margo van den Brink, Johan Woltjer. (2016) Between adaptability and the urge to control: making long-term water policies in the Netherlands. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-21.
Online publication date: 5–Aug–2016.
Kofi Akamani. (2016) Adaptive Water Governance: Integrating the Human Dimensions into Water Resource Governance. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 158:1, 2-18.
Online publication date: 31–Aug–2016.
Katie V. Spellman, Andrea Deutsch, Christa P. H. Mulder, Laura D. Carsten-Conner. (2016) Metacognitive learning in the ecology classroom: A tool for preparing problem solvers in a time of rapid change?. Ecosphere 7:8, e01411.
Online publication date: 18–Aug–2016.
Maria Carmen Lemos, David Manuel-Navarrete, Bram Leo Willems, Rolando Diaz Caravantes, Robert G Varady. (2016) Advancing metrics: models for understanding adaptive capacity and water security. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 21, 52-57.
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M. Buxton, N. Y. Osman-Schlegel, D. Lopes. (2016) Soil moisture change and land use in Victoria, Australia. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 23:3, 265-280.
Online publication date: 19–May–2016.
Nathan Vogt, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Eduardo S. Brondízio, Fernando G. Rabelo, Katia Fernandes, Oriana Almeida, Sergio Riveiro, Peter J. Deadman, Yue Dou. (2016) Local ecological knowledge and incremental adaptation to changing flood patterns in the Amazon delta. Sustainability Science 11:4, 611-623.
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Andrea Momblanch, Jeffery D. Connor, Neville D. Crossman, Javier Paredes-Arquiola, Joaquín Andreu. (2016) Using ecosystem services to represent the environment in hydro-economic models. Journal of Hydrology 538, 293-303.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2016.
Takuro Uehara, Yoko Nagase, Wayne Wakeland. (2016) Integrating Economics and System Dynamics Approaches for Modelling an Ecological-Economic System. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 33:4, 515-531.
Online publication date: 4–Oct–2015.
Xuemei Bai, Sander van der Leeuw, Karen O’Brien, Frans Berkhout, Frank Biermann, Eduardo S. Brondizio, Christophe Cudennec, John Dearing, Anantha Duraiappah, Marion Glaser, Andrew Revkin, Will Steffen, James Syvitski. (2016) Plausible and desirable futures in the Anthropocene: A new research agenda. Global Environmental Change 39, 351-362.
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Adam Wellstead, Michael Howlett, Jeremy Rayner. (2016) Structural-functionalism redux: adaptation to climate change and the challenge of a science-driven policy agenda. Critical Policy Studies, 1-20.
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Jakki J. Mohr, Linda L. Price, Aric Rindfleisch. 2016. Marketing’s Quest for Environmental Sustainability: Persistent Challenges and New Perspectives. Marketing in and for a Sustainable Society, 29-59.
Lindsey Jones, Thomas Tanner. (2016) ‘Subjective resilience’: using perceptions to quantify household resilience to climate extremes and disasters. Regional Environmental Change.
Online publication date: 24–Jun–2016.
Golam Faruque, Rayhan Hayat Sarwer, Manjurul Karim, Michael Phillips, William J. Collis, Ben Belton, Laila Kassam. (2016) The evolution of aquatic agricultural systems in Southwest Bangladesh in response to salinity and other drivers of change. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-23.
Online publication date: 7–Jun–2016.
Lindsay K. Campbell, Erika S. Svendsen, Lara A. Roman. (2016) Knowledge Co-production at the Research–Practice Interface: Embedded Case Studies from Urban Forestry. Environmental Management 57:6, 1262-1280.
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Sezen Ocak. (2016) Transhumance in Central Anatolia: A Resilient Interdependence Between Biological and Cultural Diversity. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29:3, 439-453.
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Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, Graeme S. Cumming, Carl Folke, Dirac Twidwell, Daniel R. Uden. (2016) Quantifying spatial resilience. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:3, 625-635.
Online publication date: 13–May–2016.
Jean-Louis Martin, Virginie Maris, Daniel S. Simberloff. (2016) The need to respect nature and its limits challenges society and conservation science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:22, 6105-6112.
Online publication date: 31–May–2016.
Ana María Munar, Tazim Jamal. 2016. What are Paradigms for?. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 1-16.
Carolina Manrique, Tazim Jamal, Robert Warden. 2016. Heritage Tourism and Conservation. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 17-33.
Kellee Caton. 2016. A Humanist Paradigm for Tourism Studies?. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 35-56.
Graham M. S. Dann. 2016. When is a Paradigm not a Paradigm?. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 57-71.
Blanca A. Camargo, Tazim Jamal, Erica Wilson. 2016. Toward a Critical Ecofeminist Research Paradigm for Sustainable Tourism. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 73-85.
Margaret Byrne Swain. 2016. Embodying Cosmopolitan Paradigms in Tourism Research. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 87-111.
Richard Ek, Mekonnen Tesfahuney. 2016. The Paradigmatic Tourist. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 113-129.
Ana María Munar. 2016. The House of Tourism Studies and the Systemic Paradigm. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 131-153.
Kazuyoshi Takeuchi. 2016. A Logical Step to Tourism Science. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 155-165.
José-Antonio Corral-Marfil, Gemma Cànoves-Valiente. 2016. An Approach to Tourism Research in Spain. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 167-189.
Tazim Jamal, Ana María Munar. 2016. “Paradigmatic” Reflections and Looking Forward. Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges, 191-202.
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Jesse M. Keenan, David A. King, Derek Willis. (2016) Understanding Conceptual Climate Change Meanings and Preferences of Multi-Actor Professional Leadership in New York. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 18:3, 261-285.
Online publication date: 26–May–2016.
Katharine A Howard, Thomas W Schwertner, James P Muir, Ara Monadjem. (2016) Habitat selection of the Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus in agroecosystems of Swaziland. Ostrich 87:2, 155-159.
Online publication date: 16–May–2016.
Anumitra Mirti Chand, Martin Loosemore. (2016) Hospital disaster management’s understanding of built environment impacts on healthcare services during extreme weather events. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 23:3, 385-402.
Online publication date: 16–May–2016.
Brian Robert Cook, Andrea Babon. (2016) Active learning through online quizzes: better learning and less (busy) work. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 1-15.
Online publication date: 14–May–2016.
Erica David, Kingsley W. Dixon, Myles H.M. Menz. (2016) Cooperative Extension: A Model of Science–Practice Integration for Ecosystem Restoration. Trends in Plant Science 21:5, 410-417.
Online publication date: 1–May–2016.
Micah L. Ingalls, Michael B. Dwyer. (2016) Missing the forest for the trees? Navigating the trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation under REDD. Climatic Change 136:2, 353-366.
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Tarsila Seara, Patricia M. Clay, Lisa L. Colburn. (2016) Perceived adaptive capacity and natural disasters: A fisheries case study. Global Environmental Change 38, 49-57.
Online publication date: 1–May–2016.
Elisabeth Roberts, Brett Anne Anderson, Sarah Skerratt, John Farrington. (2016) A review of the rural-digital policy agenda from a community resilience perspective. Journal of Rural Studies.
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Sacha Kagan, Volker Kirchberg. (2016) Music and sustainability: organizational cultures towards creative resilience – a review. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Online publication date: 1–May–2016.
Victoria H. Moshy, Ian Bryceson. (2016) Seeing Through Fishers’ Lenses. SAGE Open 6:2, 215824401664171.
Online publication date: 20–Apr–2016.
David Kerner, J Thomas. 2016. Resilience Attributes of Social-Ecological Systems: Framing Metrics for Management. Ecological Resilience, 69-112.
Hamideh Maleksaeidi, Ezatollah Karami, Gholam Hossein Zamani, Kourosh Rezaei-Moghaddam, Dariush Hayati, Masoud Masoudi. (2016) Discovering and characterizing farm households’ resilience under water scarcity. Environment, Development and Sustainability 18:2, 499-525.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2016.
René Verburg, Trond Selnes, Pita Verweij. (2016) Governing ecosystem services: National and local lessons from policy appraisal and implementation. Ecosystem Services 18, 186-197.
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Nadine A. Marshall, Steve Crimp, Matt Curnock, Murni Greenhill, Geoff Kuehne, Zoe Leviston, Jackie Ouzman. (2016) Some primary producers are more likely to transform their agricultural practices in response to climate change than others. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 222, 38-47.
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Aliette K. Frank. (2016) What is the story with sustainability? A narrative analysis of diverse and contested understandings. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
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Irene Muller, Johann Tempelhoff. (2016) The application of a resilience assessment approach to promote campus environmental management. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 17:2, 228-245.
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Sara Meerow, Joshua P. Newell, Melissa Stults. (2016) Defining urban resilience: A review. Landscape and Urban Planning 147, 38-49.
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Antonella Rivera, Stefan Gelcich, Lucía García-Flórez, José Luis Acuña. (2016) Assessing the sustainability and adaptive capacity of the gooseneck barnacle co-management system in Asturias, N. Spain. Ambio 45, 230-240.
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Paolo Prosperi, Thomas Allen, Bruce Cogill, Martine Padilla, Iuri Peri. (2016) Towards metrics of sustainable food systems: a review of the resilience and vulnerability literature. Environment Systems and Decisions 36, 3-19.
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Nicolas Urruty, Delphine Tailliez-Lefebvre, Christian Huyghe. (2016) Stability, robustness, vulnerability and resilience of agricultural systems. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 36:1.
Online publication date: 22–Feb–2016.
Abid Mehmood. (2016) Of resilient places: planning for urban resilience. European Planning Studies 24, 407-419.
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Nina S. N. Lam, Margaret Reams, Kenan Li, Chi Li, Lillian P. Mata. (2016) Measuring Community Resilience to Coastal Hazards along the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Natural Hazards Review 17, 04015013.
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Marc Wolfram, Niki Frantzeskaki. (2016) Cities and Systemic Change for Sustainability: Prevailing Epistemologies and an Emerging Research Agenda. Sustainability 8, 144.
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Richard Meissner, Inga Jacobs. (2016) Theorising complex water governance in Africa: the case of the proposed Epupa Dam on the Kunene River. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 16:1, 21-48.
Online publication date: 12–Apr–2014.
Alan Dixon, Rachael Carrie. (2016) Creating local institutional arrangements for sustainable wetland socio-ecological systems: lessons from the ‘Striking a Balance’ project in Malawi. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23, 40-52.
Online publication date: 2–Jan–2016.
Bridie McGreavy. (2016) Resilience as Discourse. Environmental Communication 10, 104-121.
Online publication date: 2–Jan–2016.
HULYA DAGDEVIREN, MATTHEW DONOGHUE, MARKUS PROMBERGER. (2016) Resilience, Hardship and Social Conditions. Journal of Social Policy 45, 1-20.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2016.
Sarah Freed, Veronica Dujon, Elise F. Granek, Jaffar Mouhhidine. (2016) Enhancing small-scale fisheries management through community engagement and multi-community partnerships: Comoros case study. Marine Policy63, 81-91.
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Lauren Fuller, Christopher P. Quine. (2016) Resilience and tree health: a basis for implementation in sustainable forest management. Forestry 89, 7-19.
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Cigdem Tarhan, Can Aydin, Vahap Tecim. (2016) How can be Disaster Resilience Built with Using Sustainable Development?. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 216, 452-459.
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Marc Wolfram. (2016) Conceptualizing urban transformative capacity: A framework for research and policy. Cities 51, 121-130.
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Bo Pu, Yanjun Qiu. (2016) Emerging Trends and New Developments on Urban Resilience: A Bibliometric Perspective. Current Urban Studies 04, 36-52.
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Yongmin Yang, Hongbo Su, Jianwei Qi. (2016) A Critical Evaluation of the Nonparametric Approach to Estimate Terrestrial Evaporation. Advances in Meteorology 2016, 1-10.
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Takashi Mino, Miguel Esteban, Vivek Anand Asokan, Niranji Satanarachchi, Tomohiro Akiyama, Izumi Ikeda, Chiahsin Chen. 2016. Philosophy of Field Methods in the GPSS-GLI Program: Dealing with Complexity to Achieve Resilience and Sustainable Societies. Sustainability Science: Field Methods and Exercises, 3-19.
Seema Arora-Jonsson. (2016) Does resilience have a culture? Ecocultures and the politics of knowledge production. Ecological Economics 121, 98-107.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2016.
Ulrike Gelbmann, Anton Peskoller. 2016. Resilienz im Spannungsfeld von CSR und Changemanagement. CSR und Organisationsentwicklung, 15-36.
Michaël Gonzva, Bruno Barroca, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Youssef Diab. (2016) Analysis of disruptions cascade effect within and between urban sociotechnical systems in a context of risks. E3S Web of Conferences 7, 07008.
Online publication date: 20–Oct–2016.
Allain J. Barnett, Jacopo A. Baggio, Hoon C. Shin, David J. Yu, Irene Perez-Ibarra, Cathy Rubiños, Ute Brady, Elicia Ratajczyk, Nathan Rollins, Rimjhim Aggarwal, John M. Anderies, Marco A. Janssen. (2016) An iterative approach to case study analysis: insights from qualitative analysis of quantitative inconsistencies. International Journal of the Commons 10:2, 467.
Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Lu Wen. 2016. Vulnerability and Resilience of Human-Natural Systems of Pastoralism Worldwide. Building Resilience of Human-Natural Systems of Pastoralism in the Developing World, 39-92.
Linda McElduff, Deborah Peel, Heather Ritchie, Michael Gregory Lloyd. (2016) The Octagon Values Model: community resilience and coastal regeneration. Urban, Planning and Transport Research 4:1, 1-25.
Online publication date: 18–Jan–2016.
Ilse Kotzee, Belinda Reyers. (2016) Piloting a social-ecological index for measuring flood resilience: A composite index approach. Ecological Indicators 60, 45-53.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2016.
Aregu Lemlem, Darnhofer Ika. (2015) Enhancing social-ecological resilience through social learning: A case study of communal pasture management in the Highlands of Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research 10, 4681-4698.
Online publication date: 17–Dec–2015.
Israt Jahan, Dewan Ahsan, Md Hasan Farque. (2015) Fishers’ local knowledge on impact of climate change and anthropogenic interferences on Hilsa fishery in South Asia: evidence from Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Online publication date: 9–Dec–2015.
Helen Briassoulis. (2015) The Socio-ecological Fit of Human Responses to Environmental Degradation: An Integrated Assessment Methodology. Environmental Management 56, 1448-1466.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2015.
Michel Duru, Olivier Therond. (2015) Livestock system sustainability and resilience in intensive production zones: which form of ecological modernization?. Regional Environmental Change 15, 1651-1665.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2015.
Shannon O’Connell, Deyi Hou. (2015) Resilience: A New Consideration for Environmental Remediation in an Era of Climate Change. Remediation Journal 26:10.1002/rem.2015.26.issue-1, 57-67.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2015.
Hamideh Maleksaeidi, Ezatollah Karami, Gholam Hossein Zamani. (2015) Farm households’ resilience scale under water scarcity. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 20, 1305-1318.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2015.
Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, W. J. Wouter Botzen, Saskia E. Werners. (2015) Portfolios of adaptation investments in water management. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 20, 1247-1265.
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Éléonore Lèbre, Glen Corder. (2015) Integrating Industrial Ecology Thinking into the Management of Mining Waste. Resources 4, 765-786.
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Suzanne Vallance, Sally Carlton. (2015) First to respond, last to leave: Communities’ roles and resilience across the ‘4Rs’. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14, 27-36.
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W.S.A. Saunders, J.S. Becker. (2015) A discussion of resilience and sustainability: Land use planning recovery from the Canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14, 73-81.
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Hua Qin, Patricia Romero-Lankao, Jorgelina Hardoy, Angélica Rosas-Huerta. (2015) Household responses to climate-related hazards in four Latin American cities: A conceptual framework and exploratory analysis. Urban Climate 14, 94-110.
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Sunita Chaudhary, Andrew McGregor, Donna Houston, Nakul Chettri. (2015) The evolution of ecosystem services: A time series and discourse-centered analysis. Environmental Science & Policy 54, 25-34.
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Roos M. den Uyl, Peter P.J. Driessen. (2015) Evaluating governance for sustainable development – Insights from experiences in the Dutch fen landscape. Journal of Environmental Management 163, 186-203.
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Kun Cheng, Qiang Fu, Xi Chen, Tianxiao Li, Qiuxiang Jiang, Xiaosong Ma, Ke Zhao. (2015) Adaptive Allocation Modeling for a Complex System of Regional Water and Land Resources Based on Information Entropy and its Application. Water Resources Management 29, 4977-4993.
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Leo X.C. Dutra, Olivier Thébaud, Fabio Boschetti, Anthony D.M. Smith, Catherine M. Dichmont. (2015) Key issues and drivers affecting coastal and marine resource decisions: Participatory management strategy evaluation to support adaptive management. Ocean & Coastal Management 116, 382-395.
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Ran Bhamra, Kevin Burnard, Samir Dani. 2015. Resilience: The Concept, a Literature Review and Future Directions. Organisational Resilience, 3-30.
Nathan D. Vogt, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Eduardo S. Brondízio, Oriana Almeida, Sergio Rivero. (2015) Forest Transitions in Mosaic Landscapes: Smallholder’s Flexibility in Land-Resource Use Decisions and Livelihood Strategies From World War II to the Present in the Amazon Estuary. Society & Natural Resources 28, 1043-1058.
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2015. Bibliography. Operationalizing Sustainability, 355-374.
Rishikesh Pandey, Douglas K. Bardsley. (2015) Social-ecological vulnerability to climate change in the Nepali Himalaya. Applied Geography 64, 74-86.
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Jia Ning, Jiyuan Liu, Guosong Zhao. (2015) Spatio-temporal characteristics of disturbance of land use change on major ecosystem function zones in China. Chinese Geographical Science 25, 523-536.
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Michel Duru, Olivier Therond, M’hand Fares. (2015) Designing agroecological transitions; A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35.
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Jae Shim, Chun-Il Kim. (2015) Measuring Resilience to Natural Hazards: Towards Sustainable Hazard Mitigation. Sustainability 7, 14153-14185.
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Takehiro Sasaki, Takuya Furukawa, Yuichi Iwasaki, Mayumi Seto, Akira S. Mori. (2015) Perspectives for ecosystem management based on ecosystem resilience and ecological thresholds against multiple and stochastic disturbances. Ecological Indicators 57, 395-408.
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Md. Nasif Ahsan, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi. (2015) The dynamics among poverty, vulnerability, and resilience: evidence from coastal Bangladesh. Natural Hazards.
Online publication date: 14–Sep–2015.
Patrick Brandful Cobbinah, Michael Odei Erdiaw-Kwasie, Paul Amoateng. (2015) Africa’s urbanisation: Implications for sustainable development. Cities 47, 62-72.
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Adam Erickson. (2015) Efficient and resilient governance of social–ecological systems. Ambio 44, 343-352.
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Cecilia Pasquinelli, Jenny Sjöholm. (2015) Art and resilience: The spatial practices of making a resilient artistic career in London. City, Culture and Society 6, 75-81.
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Xiang He, Zhenshan Lin, Kangning Xiong. (2015) Using a Coupled Human-Natural System to Assess the Vulnerability of the Karst Landform Region in China. Sustainability 7, 12910-12925.
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Sean Markey, Sarah-Patricia Breen, Kelly Vodden, Jen Daniels. (2015) Evidence of Place: Becoming a Region in Rural Canada. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39:10.1111/ijur.v39.5, 874-891.
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Casey M. Brown, Jay R. Lund, Ximing Cai, Patrick M. Reed, Edith A. Zagona, Avi Ostfeld, Jim Hall, Gregory W. Characklis, Winston Yu, Levi Brekke. (2015) The future of water resources systems analysis: Toward a scientific framework for sustainable water management. Water Resources Research 51:8, 6110-6124.
Online publication date: 6–Aug–2015.
Sarah A. van der Horn, Thijs van Kolfschoten, Johannes van der Plicht, Wim Z. Hoek. (2015) The effects of the 8.2 ka event on the natural environment of Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria: Implications for ecosystem resilience studies. Quaternary International 378, 111-118.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2015.
Nadia Sitas, Heidi Prozesky, Karen Esler, Belinda Reyers. 2015. Exploring the Gap between Ecosystem Service Research and Management in Development Planning. Urban Ecology, 21-52.
Abishek Harihar, Diogo Veríssimo, Douglas C. MacMillan. (2015) Beyond compensation: Integrating local communities’ livelihood choices in large carnivore conservation. Global Environmental Change 33, 122-130.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2015.
Alexandra S. Richey, Brian F. Thomas, Min-Hui Lo, James S. Famiglietti, Sean Swenson, Matthew Rodell. (2015) Uncertainty in global groundwater storage estimates in a Total Groundwater Stress framework. Water Resources Research 51:7, 5198-5216.
Online publication date: 14–Jul–2015.
Anne D. Guerry, Stephen Polasky, Jane Lubchenco, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Gretchen C. Daily, Robert Griffin, Mary Ruckelshaus, Ian J. Bateman, Anantha Duraiappah, Thomas Elmqvist, Marcus W. Feldman, Carl Folke, Jon Hoekstra, Peter M. Kareiva, Bonnie L. Keeler, Shuzhuo Li, Emily McKenzie, Zhiyun Ouyang, Belinda Reyers, Taylor H. Ricketts, Johan Rockström, Heather Tallis, Bhaskar Vira. (2015) Natural capital and ecosystem services informing decisions: From promise to practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 7348-7355.
Online publication date: 16–Jun–2015.
Annika K. Nilsson, Brita Bohman. (2015) Legal prerequisites for ecosystem-based management in the Baltic Sea area: The example of eutrophication. AMBIO 44, 370-380.
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Nicole R. Sikula, James W. Mancillas, Igor Linkov, John A. McDonagh. (2015) Risk management is not enough: a conceptual model for resilience and adaptation-based vulnerability assessments. Environment Systems and Decisions35, 219-228.
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L. M. Mannetti, K. J. Esler, A. T. Knight, K. Vance-Borland. (2015) Understanding Social Networks to Improve Adaptive Co-Governance with the ≠Khomani Bushmen of the Kalahari, South Africa. Human Ecology 43, 481-492.
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Justin P. Kozak, Micah G. Bennett, Anne Hayden-Lesmeister, Kelley A. Fritz, Aaron Nickolotsky. (2015) Using Flow-Ecology Relationships to Evaluate Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs and Complementarities in the Nation’s Largest River Swamp. Environmental Management 55, 1327-1342.
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Eric Desjardins, Gillian Barker, Zoë Lindo, Catherine Dieleman, Antoine C. Dussault. (2015) Promoting Resilience. The Quarterly Review of Biology 90, 147-165.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2015.
Sara O.I. Ramirez-Gomez, Carlos A. Torres-Vitolas, Kate Schreckenberg, Miroslav Honzák, Gisella S. Cruz-Garcia, Simon Willcock, Erwin Palacios, Elena Pérez-Miñana, Pita A. Verweij, Guy M. Poppy. (2015) Analysis of ecosystem services provision in the Colombian Amazon using participatory research and mapping techniques. Ecosystem Services13, 93-107.
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Joung Hun Lee, Kaoru Kakinuma, Toshiya Okuro, Yoh Iwasa. (2015) Coupled social and ecological dynamics of herders in Mongolian rangelands. Ecological Economics 114, 208-217.
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Rabiul Islam, Greg Walkerden. (2015) How do links between households and NGOs promote disaster resilience and recovery?: A case study of linking social networks on the Bangladeshi coast. Natural Hazards.
Online publication date: 15–May–2015.
Mendel Giezen, Luca Bertolini, Willem Salet. (2015) Adaptive Capacity Within a Mega Project: A Case Study on Planning and Decision-Making in the Face of Complexity. European Planning Studies 23, 999-1018.
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Lisa Kenney, Douglas Bessette, Joseph Arvai. (2015) Structuring decisions about energy in developing communities: an example from Canada’s north. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58, 855-873.
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María R. Felipe-Lucia, Francisco A. Comín, Javier Escalera-Reyes. (2015) A framework for the social valuation of ecosystem services. AMBIO 44, 308-318.
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Scott E. Kalafatis, Maria Carmen Lemos, Yun-Jia Lo, Kenneth A. Frank. (2015) Increasing information usability for climate adaptation: The role of knowledge networks and communities of practice. Global Environmental Change 32, 30-39.
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Tuula Helne, Tuuli Hirvilammi. (2015) Wellbeing and Sustainability: A Relational Approach. Sustainable Development23:10.1002/sd.v23.3, 167-175.
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Lucio Biggiero, Pier Paolo Angelini. (2015) Hunting scale-free properties in R&D collaboration networks: Self-organization, power-law and policy issues in the European aerospace research area. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 94, 21-43.
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David G. Angeler, Craig R. Allen, Daniel R. Uden, Richard K. Johnson. (2015) Spatial Patterns and Functional Redundancies in a Changing Boreal Lake Landscape. Ecosystems.
Online publication date: 3–Apr–2015.
A. Shigayeva, R. J. Coker. (2015) Communicable disease control programmes and health systems: an analytical approach to sustainability. Health Policy and Planning 30, 368-385.
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Sara Meerow, Joshua P. Newell. (2015) Resilience and Complexity: A Bibliometric Review and Prospects for Industrial Ecology. Journal of Industrial Ecology 19:10.1111/jiec.2015.19.issue-2, 236-251.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2015.
Ralf Barkemeyer, Lindsay C. Stringer, James A. Hollins, Ferdinand Josephi. (2015) Corporate reporting on solutions to wicked problems: Sustainable land management in the mining sector. Environmental Science & Policy 48, 196-209.
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Mireia Balsells, Bruno Barroca, Vincent Becue, Damien Serre. (2015) Making urban flood resilience more operational: current practice. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Water Management 168:2, 57-65.
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Dawn Kotowicz. 2015. Examining Social Resilience: Post-Tsunami Livelihood Rehabilitation and Its Impacts on Households and Communities in Kamphuan, Ranong, Thailand. Disaster’s Impact on Livelihood and Cultural Survival, 123-140.
Kofi Akamani, Patrick Impero Wilson, Troy Elizabeth Hall. (2015) Barriers to collaborative forest management and implications for building the resilience of forest-dependent communities in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Journal of Environmental Management 151, 11-21.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2015.
Karla Sessin-Dilascio, Katrin Prager, Katherine N. Irvine, Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli. (2015) The Dynamics of Co-Management and Social Capital in Protected Area Management—The Cardoso Island State Park in Brazil. World Development 67, 475-489.
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Johannes Halbe, Jan Adamowski, Claudia Pahl-Wostl. (2015) The role of paradigms in engineering practice and education for sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production.
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Siambabala Bernard Manyena, Stuart Gordon. (2015) Bridging the concepts of resilience, fragility and stabilisation. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 24:1, 38-52.
Online publication date: 2–Feb–2015.
Thomas A. Smucker, Ben Wisner, Adolfo Mascarenhas, Pantaleo Munishi, Elizabeth E. Wangui, Gaurav Sinha, Daniel Weiner, Charles Bwenge, Eric Lovell. (2015) Differentiated livelihoods, local institutions, and the adaptation imperative: Assessing climate change adaptation policy in Tanzania. Geoforum 59, 39-50.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2015.
Daniella Ferrol-Schulte, Philipp Gorris, Wasistini Baitoningsih, Dedi S. Adhuri, Sebastian C.A. Ferse. (2015) Coastal livelihood vulnerability to marine resource degradation: A review of the Indonesian national coastal and marine policy framework. Marine Policy 52, 163-171.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2015.
Tomas M. Koontz, Divya Gupta, Pranietha Mudliar, Pranay Ranjan. (2015) Adaptive institutions in social-ecological systems governance: A synthesis framework. Environmental Science & Policy.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2015.
M. Gonzva, M. Balsells, B. Barroca. (2015) Mobilisation de l’analyse fonctionnelle pour l’étude de la résilience des quartiers et des systèmes de transport guidé face au risque inondation. Techniques Sciences Méthodes, 64-75.
Online publication date: 7–Jan–2015.
Gloria Rodríguez-Loinaz, Josu G. Alday, Miren Onaindia. (2015) Multiple ecosystem services landscape index: A tool for multifunctional landscapes conservation. Journal of Environmental Management 147, 152-163.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2015.
Ahmad Fitri Amir, Ammar Abd Ghapar, Salamiah A. Jamal, Khairun Najiah Ahmad. (2015) Sustainable Tourism Development: A Study on Community Resilience for Rural Tourism in Malaysia. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 168, 116-122.
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David O’Byrne, Weston Dripps, Kimberly A. Nicholas. (2015) Teaching and learning sustainability: An assessment of the curriculum content and structure of sustainability degree programs in higher education. Sustainability Science 10, 43-59.
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Sarah Henly-Shepard, Steven A. Gray, Linda J. Cox. (2015) The use of participatory modeling to promote social learning and facilitate community disaster planning. Environmental Science & Policy 45, 109-122.
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David Yoskowitz, Marc Russell. (2015) Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts. Estuaries and Coasts 38, 1-8.
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Kofi Akamani, Troy Elizabeth Hall. (2015) Determinants of the process and outcomes of household participation in collaborative forest management in Ghana: A quantitative test of a community resilience model. Journal of Environmental Management 147, 1-11.
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Andrew E. Collins, Bernard Manyena, Janaka Jayawickrama, Samantha Jones. 2015. Introduction. Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society, 1-15.
NICOLE ASHBY, KIRSTIE FRYIRS, RICHARD HOWITT. (2015) Prospects for, and Challenges of, Research Design and Training in Cross-Disciplinary Environmental Management Research. Geographical Research 53:1, 81.
Monalisa R.O. Silva, Priscila F.M. Lopes. (2015) Each fisherman is different: Taking the environmental perception of small-scale fishermen into account to manage marine protected areas. Marine Policy 51, 347-355.
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Julianne Baker-Galagos, Sintana Vergara. 2014. Urban Sustainable Development: Re-envisioning the City of 2025. Too Global To Fail: The World Bank at the Intersection of National and Global Public Policy in 2025, 205-232.
Cheryl Chen, David López-Carr, Barbara Louise Endemaño Walker. (2014) A framework to assess the vulnerability of California commercial sea urchin fishermen to the impact of MPAs under climate change. GeoJournal 79, 755-773.
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Vanja Karadzic, Paula Antunes, John Grin. (2014) Adapting to environmental and market change: Insights from Fish Producer Organizations in Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management 102, 364-374.
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Kara N. DiFrancesco, Desiree D. Tullos. (2014) Flexibility in Water Resources Management: Review of Concepts and Development of Assessment Measures for Flood Management Systems. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50, 1527-1539.
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Anke Fischer, Dereje Tadesse Wakjira, Yitbarek Tibebe Weldesemaet, Zelealem Tefera Ashenafi. (2014) On the Interplay of Actors in the Co-Management of Natural Resources – A Dynamic Perspective. World Development 64, 158-168.
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Chia-Chi Wu. (2014) Cross-scale and multi-level mismatch problems in marine natural resources management: case studies in the Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan. Regional Environmental Change 14, 2079-2087.
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Mirjam Ros-Tonen, Mercy Derkyi, Thomas Insaidoo. (2014) From Co-Management to Landscape Governance: Whither Ghana’s Modified Taungya System?. Forests 5, 2996-3021.
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Karl Blanchet, Jennifer Palmer, Raju Palanchowke, Dorothy Boggs, Ali Jama, Susan Girois. (2014) Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: analysing the contextual and social network factors influencing the use of sustainability indicators in a health system – a comparative study in Nepal and Somaliland. Health Research Policy and Systems 12:1.
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John A. Stanturf, Brian J. Palik, R. Kasten Dumroese. (2014) Contemporary forest restoration: A review emphasizing function. Forest Ecology and Management 331, 292-323.
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Saima Mian. (2014) Pakistan’s Flood Challenges: An assessment through the lens of learning and adaptive governance. Environmental Policy and Governance 24:10.1002/eet.v24.6, 423-438.
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Hugh Deeming, Maureen Fordham, Åsa Gerger Swartling. 2014. Resilience and Adaptation to Hydrometeorological Hazards. Hydrometeorological Hazards, 291-316.
Glen Wright. (2014) Strengthening the role of science in marine governance through environmental impact assessment: a case study of the marine renewable energy industry. Ocean & Coastal Management 99, 23-30.
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Nadine Marshall, Chris J. Stokes. (2014) Identifying thresholds and barriers to adaptation through measuring climate sensitivity and capacity to change in an Australian primary industry. Climatic Change 126, 399-411.
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Kirk Emerson, Andrea K. Gerlak. (2014) Adaptation in Collaborative Governance Regimes. Environmental Management 54, 768-781.
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Paul E. Roege, Zachary A. Collier, James Mancillas, John A. McDonagh, Igor Linkov. (2014) Metrics for energy resilience. Energy Policy 72, 249-256.
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Cécile Barnaud, Martine Antona. (2014) Deconstructing ecosystem services: Uncertainties and controversies around a socially constructed concept. Geoforum 56, 113-123.
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Yiheyis Taddele Maru, Mark Stafford Smith, Ashley Sparrow, Patricia F. Pinho, Opha Pauline Dube. (2014) A linked vulnerability and resilience framework for adaptation pathways in remote disadvantaged communities. Global Environmental Change 28, 337-350.
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Jonathan Wareham, Paul B. Fox, Josep Lluís Cano Giner. (2014) Technology Ecosystem Governance. Organization Science 25, 1195-1215.
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Bernard Lew Shian Loong. (2014) Tourism and Simulacrum: The Computational Economy of Algorithmic Destinations. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 144, 237-246.
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Cynnamon Dobbs, Dave Kendal, Craig R. Nitschke. (2014) Multiple ecosystem services and disservices of the urban forest establishing their connections with landscape structure and sociodemographics. Ecological Indicators 43, 44-55.
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Li An, Alex Zvoleff, Jianguo Liu, William Axinn. (2014) Agent-Based Modeling in Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Lessons from a Comparative Analysis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104, 723-745.
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Rob Roggema, Lisa Vos, John Martin. (2014) Resourcing local communities for climate adaptive designs in Victoria, Australia. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 12, 210-226.
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Pedro Sánchez-Zamora, Rosa Gallardo-Cobos, Felisa Ceña-Delgado. (2014) Rural areas face the economic crisis: Analyzing the determinants of successful territorial dynamics. Journal of Rural Studies 35, 11-25.
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Dipanjan Basu, Aditi Misra, Anand J. Puppala. (2014) Sustainability and geotechnical engineering: perspectives and review. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1-18.
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Jamie MacKee, Hedda Haugen Askland, Louise Askew. (2014) Recovering cultural built heritage after natural disasters. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 5:2, 202-212.
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Robert S. Stelzer and Donna R. Kashian. (2014) The role of conservation partnerships between scientists and nonprofit agencies in freshwater science and management.
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Chrispen Murungweni, Mark T. van Wijk, Kenneth E. Giller, Jens A. Andersson, Eric M. A. Smaling. (2014) Adaptive livelihood strategies employed by farmers to close the food gap in semi-arid south eastern Zimbabwe. Food Security 6, 313-326.
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A. L. Balbo, X. Rubio-Campillo, B. Rondelli, M. Ramírez, C. Lancelotti, A. Torrano, M. Salpeteur, N. Lipovetzky, V. Reyes-García, C. Montañola, M. Madella. (2014) Agent-Based Simulation of Holocene Monsoon Precipitation Patterns and Hunter-Gatherer Population Dynamics in Semi-arid Environments. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 21, 426-446.
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M. Karin de Boer, Helen Moor, Birte Matthiessen, Helmut Hillebrand, Britas Klemens Eriksson. (2014) Dispersal restricts local biomass but promotes the recovery of metacommunities after temperature stress. Oikos123:10.1111/more.2014.123.issue-6, 762-768.
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Nadia Sitas, Heidi Prozesky, Karen Esler, Belinda Reyers. (2014) Exploring the Gap between Ecosystem Service Research and Management in Development Planning. Sustainability 6, 3802-3824.
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Klaus J. Puettmann. (2014) Restoring the Adaptive Capacity of Forest Ecosystems. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 33, S15-S27.
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Giovanni Bettini. (2014) Climate migration as an adaption strategy: de-securitizing climate-induced migration or making the unruly governable?. Critical Studies on Security 2, 180-195.
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Stephanie Shumsky, Gordon M. Hickey, Timothy Johns, Bernard Pelletier, John Galaty. (2014) Institutional factors affecting wild edible plant (WEP) harvest and consumption in semi-arid Kenya. Land Use Policy 38, 48-69.
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Juliana López-Angarita, Rocío Moreno-Sánchez, Jorge Higinio Maldonado, Juan A. Sánchez. (2014) Evaluating Linked Social-Ecological Systems in Marine Protected Areas. Conservation Letters 7:10.1111/conl.2014.7.issue-3, 241-252.
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Minerva Campos, Alejandro Velázquez, Michael McCall. (2014) Adaptation strategies to climatic variability: A case study of small-scale farmers in rural Mexico. Land Use Policy 38, 533-540.
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Emily Boyd, Jonathan Ensor, Vanesa Castán Broto, Sirkku Juhola. (2014) Environmentalities of urban climate governance in Maputo, Mozambique. Global Environmental Change 26, 140-151.
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Char-lee J. McLennan, Brent W. Ritchie, Lisa M. Ruhanen, Brent D. Moyle. (2014) An institutional assessment of three local government-level tourism destinations at different stages of the transformation process. Tourism Management 41, 107-118.
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Vincent Berdoulay, Olivier Soubeyran. (2014) Adaptation, science de la durabilité et pensée planificatrice. Natures Sciences Sociétés 22, 114-123.
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Rocco Scolozzi, Ian D Soane, Alessandro Gretter. 2014. Multiple-Level Governance is Needed in the Social-Ecological System of Alpine Cultural Landscapes. Scale-sensitive Governance of the Environment, 90-105.
Carina Lundmark, Gunnar Jonsson. (2014) Prospects for learning in river management: exploring the initial implementation of the Water Framework Directive in a Swedish river basin. Environmental Education Research 20, 161-176.
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Lee Ann Nicol, Peter Knoepfel. (2014) Resilient housing: a new resource-oriented approach. Building Research & Information 42, 229-239.
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Thu Van Trung Ho, Simon Woodley, Alison Cottrell, Peter Valentine. (2014) A multilevel analytical framework for more-effective governance in human-natural systems: A case study of marine protected areas in Vietnam. Ocean & Coastal Management 90, 11-19.
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Kuei-Hsien Liao. (2014) From flood control to flood adaptation: a case study on the Lower Green River Valley and the City of Kent in King County, Washington. Natural Hazards 71, 723-750.
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Richard Friend, Jim Jarvie, Sarah Orleans Reed, Ratri Sutarto, Pakamas Thinphanga, Vu Canh Toan. (2014) Mainstreaming urban climate resilience into policy and planning; reflections from Asia. Urban Climate 7, 6-19.
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Rakhyun E. Kim, Brendan Mackey. (2014) International environmental law as a complex adaptive system. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 14, 5-24.
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Gustavo Barrientos, W. Bruce Masse. (2014) The Archaeology of Cosmic Impact: Lessons from Two Mid-Holocene Argentine Case Studies. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 21, 134-211.
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Marta Nieto-Romero, Elisa Oteros-Rozas, José A. González, Berta Martín-López. (2014) Exploring the knowledge landscape of ecosystem services assessments in Mediterranean agroecosystems: Insights for future research. Environmental Science & Policy 37, 121-133.
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Joseph Wasylycia-Leis, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Alberto Fonseca. (2014) Mining Communities from a Resilience Perspective: Managing Disturbance and Vulnerability in Itabira, Brazil. Environmental Management 53, 481-495.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2014.
H. Setälä, R. D. Bardgett, K. Birkhofer, M. Brady, L. Byrne, P. C. de Ruiter, F. T. de Vries, C. Gardi, K. Hedlund, L. Hemerik, S. Hotes, M. Liiri, S. R. Mortimer, M. Pavao-Zuckerman, R. Pouyat, M. Tsiafouli, W. H. van der Putten. (2014) Urban and agricultural soils: conflicts and trade-offs in the optimization of ecosystem services. Urban Ecosystems 17, 239-253.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2014.
Mónica Gómez Salazar. (2014) Policies, complexity and the need for cooperation in epistemic inquiry for the stable use of natural resources. Environmental Science & Policy 37, 91-100.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2014.
Anders Richtnér, Hans Löfsten. (2014) Managing in turbulence: how the capacity for resilience influences creativity. R&D Management 44:10.1111/radm.2014.44.issue-2, 137-151.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2014.
Frank Sondershaus, Timothy Moss. (2014) Your Resilience is My Vulnerability: ‘Rules in Use’ in a Local Water Conflict. Social Sciences 3, 172-192.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2014.
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Sven-Erik Rabe, Ricardo Crespo, Sven Lautenbach, Andrea Ryffel, Barbara Schlup. (2014) On the importance of non-linear relationships between landscape patterns and the sustainable provision of ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology 29, 201-212.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2014.
Rafael A. Magris, Robert L. Pressey, Rebecca Weeks, Natalie C. Ban. (2014) Integrating connectivity and climate change into marine conservation planning. Biological Conservation 170, 207-221.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2014.
Pablo J. Donoso, Cristián Frêne, Marco Flores, Michelle C. Moorman, Carlos E. Oyarzún, Jennifer C. Zavaleta. (2014) Balancing water supply and old-growth forest conservation in the lowlands of south-central Chile through adaptive co-management. Landscape Ecology 29, 245-260.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2014.
Kartik Sameer Madiraju. 2014. The Canadian Context. Global Sustainable Communities Handbook, 255-291.
Oscar Radyan Danar, Dinil Pushpalal. (2014) Building Community Resilience: Conceptual Framework and its Application in Post Tsunami Resettlement. Procedia Economics and Finance 18, 489-496.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
Mansour Rahimi, Azad M. Madni. (2014) Toward a Resilience Framework for Sustainable Engineered Systems. Procedia Computer Science 28, 809-817.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
M. Eugenia Van den Bosch, Adriana Bocco, M. Cecilia Ruiz. (2014) Dynamism of viticultural systems in Mendoza (1988–2008). BIO Web of Conferences 3, 03009.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
Yongdeng Lei, Jing’ai Wang, Yaojie Yue, Hongjian Zhou, Weixia Yin. (2014) Rethinking the relationships of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation from a disaster risk perspective. Natural Hazards 70, 609-627.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
Joung Hun Lee, Yoh Iwasa. (2014) Modeling socio-economic aspects of ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation. Population Ecology 56, 27-40.
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Robert Costanza, Shuang Liu. (2014) Ecosystem Services and Environmental Governance: Comparing China and the U.S.. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 1:10.1002/app5.v1-1, 160-170.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
Timothy Karpouzoglou, Jennie Barron. (2014) A global and regional perspective of rainwater harvesting in sub-Saharan Africa’s rainfed farming systems. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 72-75, 43-53.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
Haiming Yan, Jinyan Zhan, Bing Liu, Wei Huang, Zhihui Li. (2014) Spatially Explicit Assessment of Ecosystem Resilience: An Approach to Adapt to Climate Changes. Advances in Meteorology 2014, 1-9.
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Liang Geng, Renbin Xiao, Xing Xu. (2014) Research on MAS-Based Supply Chain Resilience and Its Self-Organized Criticality. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2014, 1-14.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2014.
Riyanti Djalante, Cameron Holley, Frank Thomalla, Michelle Carnegie. (2013) Pathways for adaptive and integrated disaster resilience. Natural Hazards 69, 2105-2135.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2013.
Katrin Daedlow, Volker Beckmann, Maja Schlüter, Robert Arlinghaus. (2013) Explaining institutional persistence, adaptation, and transformation in East German recreational-fisheries governance after the German reunification in 1990. Ecological Economics 96, 36-50.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2013.
Julian Reid. (2013) Interrogating the Neoliberal Biopolitics of the Sustainable Development-Resilience Nexus. International Political Sociology 7:10.1111/ips.2013.7.issue-4, 353-367.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2013.
Kirstin Dow, Benjamin K. Haywood, Nathan P. Kettle, Kirsten Lackstrom. (2013) The role of ad hoc networks in supporting climate change adaptation: a case study from the Southeastern United States. Regional Environmental Change 13, 1235-1244.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2013.
Lucy Rist, Jon Moen. (2013) Sustainability in forest management and a new role for resilience thinking. Forest Ecology and Management 310, 416-427.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2013.
Johann Dupuis, Robbert Biesbroek. (2013) Comparing apples and oranges: The dependent variable problem in comparing and evaluating climate change adaptation policies. Global Environmental Change 23, 1476-1487.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2013.
S. Kumaraswamy, K. Kunte. (2013) Integrating biodiversity and conservation with modern agricultural landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 2735-2750.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2013.
Cynthia McDougall, Janice Jiggins, Bishnu Hari Pandit, Sushila K. Thapa Magar Rana, Cees Leeuwis. (2013) Does Adaptive Collaborative Forest Governance Affect Poverty? Participatory Action Research in Nepal’s Community Forests. Society & Natural Resources 26, 1235-1251.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2013.
Apanie L. Wood, James R.A. Butler, Marcus Sheaves, Jacob Wani. (2013) Sport fisheries: Opportunities and challenges for diversifying coastal livelihoods in the Pacific. Marine Policy 42, 305-314.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2013.
Xiong Ning, Yi Liu, Jining Chen, Xin Dong, Wangfeng Li, Bin Liang. (2013) Sustainability of urban drainage management: a perspective on infrastructure resilience and thresholds. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 7, 658-668.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2013.
Angel Borja, Joao-Carlos Marques, Celia Olabarria, Victor Quintino. (2013) Marine research in the Iberian Peninsula: A pledge for better times after an economic crisis. Journal of Sea Research 83, 1-8.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2013.
Ismail Golgeci, Serhiy Y. Ponomarov. (2013) Does firm innovativeness enable effective responses to supply chain disruptions? An empirical study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 18:6, 604-617.
Online publication date: 23–Sep–2013.
Li Xu, Dora Marinova. (2013) Resilience thinking: a bibliometric analysis of socio-ecological research. Scientometrics96, 911-927.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2013.
S. Borgström, R. Lindborg, T. Elmqvist. (2013) Nature conservation for what? Analyses of urban and rural nature reserves in southern Sweden 1909–2006. Landscape and Urban Planning 117, 66-80.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2013.
H. Erixon, S. Borgström, E. Andersson. (2013) Challenging dichotomies – exploring resilience as an integrative and operative conceptual framework for large-scale urban green structures. Planning Theory & Practice 14, 349-372.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2013.
Takuro Uehara. (2013) Ecological threshold and ecological economic threshold: Implications from an ecological economic model with adaptation. Ecological Economics 93, 374-384.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2013.
T. W. YITBAREK, DEGU TADIE, GIRMA TIMER, ANKE FISCHER. (2013) Evaluating governance processes in the sharing of revenues from wildlife tourism and hunting in Ethiopia. Environmental Conservation 40, 253-265.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2013.
Mark Zeitoun, Marisa Goulden, David Tickner. (2013) Current and future challenges facing transboundary river basin management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 4, 331-349.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2013.
Susanne Menzel, Carrie V. Kappel, Bernardo R. Broitman, Fiorenza Micheli, Andrew A. Rosenberg. (2013) Linking human activity and ecosystem condition to inform marine ecosystem based management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23:10.1002/aqc.v23.4, 506-514.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2013.
Sarah Henly-Shepard. (2013) Empowering the “Vulnerable”: Intergenerational Solidarity for Rights-Based Disaster Resilience. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 11, 330-333.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2013.
Mercy Derkyi, Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen, Boateng Kyereh, Ton Dietz. (2013) Emerging forest regimes and livelihoods in the Tano Offin Forest Reserve, Ghana: Implications for social safeguards. Forest Policy and Economics 32, 49-56.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2013.
ZHIJUN MA, YIXIN CHENG, JUNYAN WANG, XINGHUA FU. (2013) The rapid development of birdwatching in mainland China: a new force for bird study and conservation. Bird Conservation International 23, 259-269.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2013.
Joerg Knieling, Mareike Fellmer. 2013. Climate Adaptation in Metropolis Hamburg: Paradigm Shift in Urban Planning and Water Management towards ‘Living with Water’?. Climate Change Adaptation in Practice, 83-93.
Vanja Karadzic, Paula Antunes, John Grin. (2013) ‘How to learn to be adaptive?’ An analytical framework for organizational adaptivity and its application to a fish producers organization in Portugal. Journal of Cleaner Production45, 29-37.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2013.
Jere L. Gilles, Justin L. Thomas, Corinne Valdivia, Edwin S. Yucra. (2013) Laggards or Leaders: Conservers of Traditional Agricultural Knowledge in Bolivia. Rural Sociology 78, 51-74.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2013.
Valeria Andreoni, Marco Duriavig. (2013) Economic Resilience and Land use: The Cocoa Crisis in the Rio Cachoeira Catchment, Brazil. Environmental Policy and Governance 23:10.1002/eet.v23.2, 118-129.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2013.
Timothy J. Pettit, Keely L. Croxton, Joseph Fiksel. (2013) Ensuring Supply Chain Resilience: Development and Implementation of an Assessment Tool. Journal of Business Logistics 34:10.1111/jbl.2013.34.issue-1, 46-76.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2013.
Hamideh Maleksaeidi, Ezatollah Karami. (2013) Social-Ecological Resilience and Sustainable Agriculture Under Water Scarcity. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37, 262-290.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2013.
Mariana M. P. B. Fuentes, David A. Pike, Andrew Dimatteo, Bryan P. Wallace. (2013) Resilience of marine turtle regional management units to climate change. Global Change Biology, n/a-n/a.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2013.
Nadine A. Marshall and Alex Smajgl. (2013) Understanding Variability in Adaptive Capacity on Rangelands.
Rangeland Ecology & Management 66:1, 88-94.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (196 KB)
Vishal K. Mehta, Omar Aslam, Larry Dale, Norman Miller, David R. Purkey. (2013) Scenario-based water resources planning for utilities in the Lake Victoria region. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 61-62, 22-31.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2013.
Stephanie Domptail, Marcos H. Easdale, Yuerlita. (2013) Managing Socio-Ecological Systems to Achieve Sustainability: A Study of Resilience and Robustness. Environmental Policy and Governance 23:10.1002/eet.v23.1, 30-45.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2013.
Dzul Khaimi Khailani, Ranjith Perera. (2013) Mainstreaming disaster resilience attributes in local development plans for the adaptation to climate change induced flooding: A study based on the local plan of Shah Alam City, Malaysia. Land Use Policy 30, 615-627.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2013.
Henrik Ernstson. (2013) The social production of ecosystem services: A framework for studying environmental justice and ecological complexity in urbanized landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 109, 7-17.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2013.
Ralph Hamann, Tanja A. Börzel. 2013. Business Contributions to Climate Change Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: Introduction. Business and Climate Change Governance, 1-30.
Nicole Kranz. 2013. Business Contributions to Climate Change Adaptation — From Coping to Transformation? Insights from South Africa and Germany. Business and Climate Change Governance, 114-134.
Kate Bigney Wilner, Melanie Wiber, Anthony Charles, John Kearney, Melissa Landry, Lisette Wilson. (2012) Transformative learning for better resource management: the role of critical reflection. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 55, 1331-1347.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2012.
Maricela de la Torre-Castro. (2012) Governance for Sustainability: Insights from Marine Resource Use in a Tropical Setting in the Western Indian Ocean. Coastal Management 40, 612-633.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2012.
Sebastián Villasante. (2012) The management of the blue whiting fishery as complex social-ecological system: The Galician case. Marine Policy 36, 1301-1308.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2012.
Lihua Yang. (2012) Building a Knowledge-Driven Society: Scholar Participation and Governance in Large Public Works Projects. Management and Organization Review 8:03, 585-607.
Online publication date: 2–Feb–2015.
Newton Paulo Bueno. (2012) Assessing the resilience of small socio-ecological systems based on the dominant polarity of their feedback structure. System Dynamics Review 28, 351-360.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2012.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2012.
Hallie Eakin, Karina Benessaiah, Juan F. Barrera, Gustavo M. Cruz-Bello, Helda Morales. (2012) Livelihoods and landscapes at the threshold of change: disaster and resilience in a Chiapas coffee community. Regional Environmental Change 12, 475-488.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2012.
Philipp Grundmann, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Götz Uckert. (2012) Responses of agricultural bioenergy sectors in Brandenburg (Germany) to climate, economic and legal changes: An application of Holling’s adaptive cycle. Energy Policy 48, 118-129.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2012.
N A Marshall, S E Park, W N Adger, K Brown, S M Howden. (2012) Transformational capacity and the influence of place and identity. Environmental Research Letters 7, 034022.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2012.
Jordan W. Smith, Dorothy H. Anderson, Roger L. Moore. (2012) Social Capital, Place Meanings, and Perceived Resilience to Climate Change*. Rural Sociology 77:10.1111/ruso.2012.77.issue-3, 380-407.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2012.
Marleen A.H. Schouten, C. Martijn van der Heide, Wim J.M. Heijman, Paul F.M. Opdam. (2012) A resilience-based policy evaluation framework: Application to European rural development policies. Ecological Economics 81, 165-175.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2012.
Cynthia Jacobson, Amanda L. Robertson. (2012) Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Bridging Entities to Facilitate Adaptive Co-Governance of Social–Ecological Systems. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 17, 333-343.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2012.
Lynette Molyneaux, Liam Wagner, Craig Froome, John Foster. (2012) Resilience and electricity systems: A comparative analysis. Energy Policy 47, 188-201.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2012.
K. Blanchet, P. James. (2012) How to do (or not to do) … a social network analysis in health systems research. Health Policy and Planning 27, 438-446.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2012.
Anneli Ekblom. (2012) Livelihood Security, Vulnerability and Resilience: A Historical Analysis of Chibuene, Southern Mozambique. AMBIO 41, 479-489.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2012.
Caroline King, Boshra Salem. (2012) A Socio-Ecological Investigation of Options to Manage Groundwater Degradation in the Western Desert, Egypt. AMBIO 41, 490-503.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2012.
Dunja Mijatović, Frederik Van Oudenhoven, Pablo Eyzaguirre, Toby Hodgkin. (2012) The role of agricultural biodiversity in strengthening resilience to climate change: towards an analytical framework. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-13.
Online publication date: 19–Jun–2012.
John H. Matthews, Frederick Boltz. (2012) The Shifting Boundaries of Sustainability Science: Are We Doomed Yet?. PLoS Biology 10:6, e1001344.
Online publication date: 19–Jun–2012.
Jordan W. Smith, Roger L. Moore, Dorothy H. Anderson, Christos Siderelis. (2012) Community Resilience in Southern Appalachia: A Theoretical Framework and Three Case Studies. Human Ecology 40, 341-353.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2012.
Jane Glover. (2012) Rural resilience through continued learning and innovation. Local Economy 27:4, 355-372.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2012.
Rafael Obregon, Silvio Waisbord. 2012. Capacity Building (and Strengthening) in Health Communication. The Handbook of Global Health Communication, 557-581.
Jason Alexandra. (2012) Australia’s landscapes in a changing climate—caution, hope, inspiration, and transformation.
Crop and Pasture Science 63:3, 215-231.
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Abstract & References : Enhanced Abstract : Full Text : PDF (836 KB)
Laura M. Norman, Miguel L. Villarreal, Francisco Lara-Valencia, Yongping Yuan, Wenming Nie, Sylvia Wilson, Gladys Amaya, Rachel Sleeter. (2012) Mapping socio-environmentally vulnerable populations access and exposure to ecosystem services at the U.S.–Mexico borderlands. Applied Geography 34, 413-424.
Online publication date: 1–May–2012.
Graça Oliveira, Augusta Costa. (2012) How resilient is Quercus suber L. to cork harvesting? A review and identification of knowledge gaps. Forest Ecology and Management 270, 257-272.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2012.
Ugo Guarnacci. (2012) Governance for sustainable reconstruction after disasters: Lessons from Nias, Indonesia. Environmental Development 2, 73-85.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2012.
Harvey Hill, John Wiener, Koko Warner. (2012) From fatalism to resilience: reducing disaster impacts through systematic investments. Disasters 36, 175-194.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2012.
Sami Bouarfa, Marcel Kuper. (2012) GROUNDWATER IN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS: FROM MENACE TO MAINSTAY. Irrigation and Drainage 61:10.1002/ird.v61.S1, 1-13.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2012.
Harini Nagendra. (2012) Assessing relatedness and redundancy of forest monitoring and change indicators. Journal of Environmental Management 95, 108-113.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2012.
S. Whitfield, M.S. Reed. (2012) Participatory environmental assessment in drylands: Introducing a new approach. Journal of Arid Environments 77, 1-10.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2012.
Eddy Carmack, Fiona McLaughlin, Gail Whiteman, Thomas Homer-Dixon. (2012) Detecting and Coping with Disruptive Shocks in Arctic Marine Systems: A Resilience Approach to Place and People. AMBIO 41, 56-65.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2012.
Rodolphe Gonzalès, Lael Parrott. (2012) Network Theory in the Assessment of the Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems. Geography Compass 6:10.1111/geco.2012.6.issue-2, 76-88.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2012.
Javier Toro, Oscar Duarte, Ignacio Requena, Montserrat Zamorano. (2012) Determining Vulnerability Importance in Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 32, 107-117.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2012.
Emilie J. Ens, Max Finlayson, Karissa Preuss, Sue Jackson, Sarah Holcombe. (2012) Australian approaches for managing ‘country’ using Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge. Ecological Management & Restoration 13, 100-107.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2012.
M.A. Cronin. (2011) The conservation of seals in Irish waters: How research informs policy. Marine Policy 35, 748-755.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2011.
Robert A. McLeman. (2011) Settlement abandonment in the context of global environmental change. Global Environmental Change 21, S108-S120.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2011.
Ann McGregor, Brian Coffey, Carrie Deutsch, Geoff Wescott, Jim Robinson. (2011) What are the policy priorities for sustaining ecological processes? A case study from Victoria, Australia. Ecological Management & Restoration 12, 194-199.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2011.
Kofi Akamani, Patrick Impero Wilson. (2011) Toward the adaptive governance of transboundary water resources. Conservation Letters 4, 409-416.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2011.
Umang Soni, Vipul Jain. (2011) Minimizing the vulnerabilities of supply chain: A new framework for enhancing the resilience. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 933-939.
Lucia Ceccato, Valentina Giannini, Carlo Giupponi. (2011) Participatory assessment of adaptation strategies to flood risk in the Upper Brahmaputra and Danube river basins. Environmental Science & Policy 14, 1163-1174.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2011.
Stephen Whitfield, Helmut J. Geist, Antonio A. R. Ioris. (2011) Deliberative assessment in complex socioecological systems: recommendations for environmental assessment in drylands. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 183, 465-483.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2011.
Barbara Zanuttigh. (2011) Coastal flood protection: What perspective in a changing climate? The THESEUS approach. Environmental Science & Policy 14, 845-863.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2011.
Christian Kuhlicke, Annett Steinführer, Chloe Begg, Chiara Bianchizza, Michael Bründl, Matthias Buchecker, Bruna De Marchi, Marina Di Masso Tarditti, Corina Höppner, Blaž Komac, Louis Lemkow, Jochen Luther, Simon McCarthy, Luigi Pellizzoni, Ortwin Renn, Anna Scolobig, Meera Supramaniam, Sue Tapsell, Gisela Wachinger, Gordon Walker, Rebecca Whittle, Matija Zorn, Hazel Faulkner. (2011) Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe. Environmental Science & Policy 14, 804-814.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2011.
Verónica Chillo, Madhur Anand, Ricardo A. Ojeda. (2011) Assessing the Use of Functional Diversity as a Measure of Ecological Resilience in Arid Rangelands. Ecosystems 14, 1168-1177.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2011.
Martin Beniston, Markus Stoffel, Margot Hill. (2011) Impacts of climatic change on water and natural hazards in the Alps: Can current water governance cope with future challenges? Examples from the European “ACQWA” project. Environmental Science & Policy 14, 734-743.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2011.
MARISA CASALE. (2011) ‘I am living a peaceful life with my grandchildren. Nothing else.’ Stories of adversity and ‘resilience’ of older women caring for children in the context of HIV/AIDS and other stressors. Ageing and Society31:08, 1265-1288.
Online publication date: 7–Feb–2011.
Alan Jones. 2011. Climate Change and Sandy Beach Ecosystems. Ecological Consequences of Climate Change, 133-160.
Gemma Cassells, Iain H Woodhouse, Genevieve Patenaude, Mavuto Tembo. (2011) Academic and research capacity development in Earth observation for environmental management. Environmental Research Letters 6, 044002.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2011.
Daisaku Yamamoto. (2011) Regional Resilience: Prospects for Regional Development Research. Geography Compass5:10.1111/geco.2011.5.issue-10, 723-736.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2011.
D. E. Richardson, J. A. Hare, M. J. Fogarty, J. S. Link. (2011) Role of egg predation by haddock in the decline of an Atlantic herring population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 13606-13611.
Online publication date: 16–Aug–2011.
N. A. Marshall, I. J. Gordon, A. J. Ash. (2011) The reluctance of resource-users to adopt seasonal climate forecasts to enhance resilience to climate variability on the rangelands. Climatic Change 107, 511-529.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2011.
Tod Jones, John Glasson, David Wood, Elizabeth A. Fulton. (2011) Regional Planning and Resilient Futures: Destination Modelling and Tourism Development—The Case of the Ningaloo Coastal Region in Western Australia. Planning Practice and Research 26, 393-415.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2011.
J. C. Pierce, W. W. Budd, N. P. Lovrich. (2011) Resilience and sustainability in US urban areas. Environmental Politics 20, 566-584.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2011.
Esteban Ruiz-Ballesteros. (2011) Social-ecological resilience and community-based tourism. Tourism Management 32, 655-666.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2011.
Clyde E. Goulden. (2011) The need for capacity building for biomonitoring of lakes and streams in Asia. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 16:10.1111/lre.2011.16.issue-2, 159-163.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2011.
David D. Breshears, Laura López-Hoffman, Lisa J. Graumlich. (2011) When Ecosystem Services Crash: Preparing for Big, Fast, Patchy Climate Change.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 40:3, 256-263.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (515 KB)
Lalisa Alemayehu Duguma, Herbert Hager. (2011) Farmers’ Assessment of the Social and Ecological Values of Land Uses in Central Highland Ethiopia. Environmental Management 47, 969-982.
Online publication date: 1–May–2011.
Qi Yan Wang. (2011) Social-ecological systems theoretical framework review. 2011 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment, 5-8.
Annica Sandström. (2011) Navigating a complex policy system—Explaining local divergences in Swedish fish stocking policy. Marine Policy 35, 419-425.
Online publication date: 1–May–2011.
Sarah Coulthard. (2011) More than just access to fish: The pros and cons of fisher participation in a customary marine tenure (Padu) system under pressure. Marine Policy 35, 405-412.
Online publication date: 1–May–2011.
Devra I. Jarvis, Toby Hodgkin, Bhuwon R. Sthapit, Carlo Fadda, Isabel Lopez-Noriega. (2011) An Heuristic Framework for Identifying Multiple Ways of Supporting the Conservation and Use of Traditional Crop Varieties within the Agricultural Production System. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 30, 125-176.
Online publication date: 22–Apr–2011.
J P Evans. (2011) Resilience, ecology and adaptation in the experimental city. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36:10.1111/tran.2011.36.issue-2, 223-237.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2011.
Claire Gregory, Gary Brierley, Richard Le Heron. (2011) Governance Spaces for Sustainable River Management. Geography Compass 5:10.1111/geco.2011.5.issue-4, 182-199.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2011.
Sahotra Sarkar, Mariana Montoya. (2011) Beyond parks and reserves: The ethics and politics of conservation with a case study from Perú. Biological Conservation 144, 979-988.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2011.
Elizabeth A Fulton, Anthony D M Smith, David C Smith, Ingrid E van Putten. (2011) Human behaviour: the key source of uncertainty in fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries 12:10.1111/faf.2011.12.issue-1, 2-17.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2011.
Monika Winn, Manfred Kirchgeorg, Andrew Griffiths, Martina K. Linnenluecke, Elmar Günther. (2011) Impacts from climate change on organizations: a conceptual foundation. Business Strategy and the Environment20:10.1002/bse.v20.3, 157-173.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2011.
Christopher Ling, Ann Dale. (2011) Nature, place and the creative class: Three Canadian case studies. Landscape and Urban Planning 99, 239-247.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2011.
Thomas O. McShane, Paul D. Hirsch, Tran Chi Trung, Alexander N. Songorwa, Ann Kinzig, Bruno Monteferri, David Mutekanga, Hoang Van Thang, Juan Luis Dammert, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Meredith Welch-Devine, J. Peter Brosius, Peter Coppolillo, Sheila O’Connor. (2011) Hard choices: Making trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and human well-being. Biological Conservation 144, 966-972.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2011.
Hallie C. Eakin, Anthony Patt. (2011) Are adaptation studies effective, and what can enhance their practical impact?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2, 141-153.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2011.
Chengchao Wang, Yusheng Yang, Yaoqi Zhang. (2011) Economic Development, Rural livelihoods, and Ecological Restoration: Evidence from China.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 40:1, 78-87.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (311 KB)
MICHAEL BUXTON, RACHEL HAYNES, DAVID MERCER, ANDREW BUTT. (2011) Vulnerability to Bushfire Risk at Melbourne’s Urban Fringe: The Failure of Regulatory Land Use Planning. Geographical Research49:10.1111/geor.2011.49.issue-1, 1-12.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2011.
ANDREW TAYLOR, SILVA LARSON, NATALIE STOECKL, DEAN CARSON. (2011) The haves and have nots in Australia’s Tropical North – New Perspectives on a Persisting Problem. Geographical Research49:10.1111/geor.2011.49.issue-1, 13-22.
Online publication date: 1–Feb–2011.
ELSPETH OPPERMANN. (2011) The discourse of adaptation to climate change and the UK Climate Impacts Programme: De-scribing the problematization of adaptation. Climate and Development 3, 71-85.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2011.
Lily A. House-Peters, Heejun Chang. (2011) Urban water demand modeling: Review of concepts, methods, and organizing principles. Water Resources Research 47.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2011.
M. Glaser, B. Glaeser. 2011. The Social Dimension of Social–Ecological Management. Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 5-30.
Aleh Cherp, Jessica Jewell, Andreas Goldthau. (2011) Governing Global Energy: Systems, Transitions, Complexity. Global Policy 2:10.1111/gpol.2010.2.issue-1, 75-88.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2011.
J.C. Pine. 2011. Enhancing the Resilience of Coastal Communities. Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 271-288.
Karim-Aly Kassam, Munira Karamkhudoeva, Morgan Ruelle, Michelle Baumflek. (2010) Medicinal Plant Use and Health Sovereignty: Findings from the Tajik and Afghan Pamirs. Human Ecology 38, 817-829.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2010.
Annica Sandström. (2010) Institutional and substantial uncertainty—Explaining the lack of adaptability in fish stocking policy. Marine Policy 34, 1357-1365.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2010.
S.M. Carvalho-Ribeiro, A. Lovett, T. O’Riordan. (2010) Multifunctional forest management in Northern Portugal: Moving from scenarios to governance for sustainable development. Land Use Policy 27, 1111-1122.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2010.
B. L. Turner. (2010) Land change in the southern Yucatán: case studies in land change science. Regional Environmental Change 10, 169-174.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2010.
Lara C. Whitely Binder, Jennifer Krencicki Barcelos, Derek B. Booth, Meriel Darzen, Marketa McGuire Elsner, Richard Fenske, Thomas F. Graham, Alan F. Hamlet, John Hodges-Howell, J. Elizabeth Jackson, Catherine Karr, Patrick W. Keys, Jeremy S. Littell, Nathan Mantua, Jennifer Marlow, Don McKenzie, Michael Robinson-Dorn, Eric A. Rosenberg, Claudio O. Stöckle, Julie A. Vano. (2010) Preparing for climate change in Washington State. Climatic Change 102, 351-376.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2010.
Robin Mahon, Lucia Fanning, Patrick McConney, Richard Pollnac. (2010) Governance characteristics of large marine ecosystems. Marine Policy 34, 919-927.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2010.
Ozgur Erol, Devanandham Henry, Brian Sauser. (2010) 3.1.2 Exploring Resilience Measurement Methodologies. INCOSE International Symposium 20, 302-322.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2010.
Eneko Garmendia, Gonzalo Gamboa, Javier Franco, Joxe Mikel Garmendia, Pedro Liria, Marta Olazabal. (2010) Social multi-criteria evaluation as a decision support tool for integrated coastal zone management. Ocean & Coastal Management 53, 385-403.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2010.
Petteri Vihervaara, Mia Rönkä, Mari Walls. (2010) Trends in Ecosystem Service Research: Early Steps and Current Drivers.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 39:4, 314-324.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (316 KB)
SUSANNE MENZEL, JACK TENG. (2010) Ecosystem Services as a Stakeholder-Driven Concept for Conservation Science. Conservation Biology 24:10.1111/cbi.2010.24.issue-3, 907-909.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2010.
Eneko Garmendia, Sigrid Stagl. (2010) Public participation for sustainability and social learning: Concepts and lessons from three case studies in Europe. Ecological Economics 69, 1712-1722.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2010.
Yoh Iwasa, Yukari Suzuki-Ohno, Hiroyuki Yokomizo. (2010) Paradox of nutrient removal in coupled socioeconomic and ecological dynamics for lake water pollution. Theoretical Ecology 3, 113-122.
Online publication date: 1–May–2010.
Ozgur Erol, Brian J. Sauser, Mo Mansouri. (2010) A framework for investigation into extended enterprise resilience. Enterprise Information Systems 4, 111-136.
Online publication date: 1–May–2010.
B.L. Turner. (2010) Sustainability and forest transitions in the southern Yucatán: The land architecture approach. Land Use Policy 27, 170-179.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2010.
Ozgur Erol, Devanandham Henry, Brian Sauser, Mo Mansouri. (2010) Perspectives on measuring enterprise resilience. 2010 IEEE International Systems Conference, 587-592.
Luca Alinovi, Erdgin Mane, Donato Romano. 2010. Measuring Household Resilience to Food Insecurity: Application to Palestinian Households. Agricultural Survey Methods, 341-368.
David Tarrasón, Josué T. Urrutia, Federica Ravera, Ertilia Herrera, Pilar Andrés, Josep Maria Espelta. (2010) Conservation status of tropical dry forest remnants in Nicaragua: Do ecological indicators and social perception tally?. Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 813-827.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2010.
James P. Lassoie, Ruth E. Sherman. (2010) Promoting a coupled human and natural systems approach to addressing conservation in complex mountainous landscapes of Central Asia. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 4, 67-82.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2010.
Boris Poff, Aregai Tecle, Daniel G. Neary and Brian Geils. (2010) Compromise Programming in Forest Management.
Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 42:1, 44-60.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (817 KB)
Gwendolynne Young, Humberto Zavala, Johanna Wandel, Barry Smit, Sonia Salas, Elizabeth Jimenez, Melitta Fiebig, Roxana Espinoza, Harry Diaz, Jorge Cepeda. (2010) Vulnerability and adaptation in a dryland community of the Elqui Valley, Chile. Climatic Change 98, 245-276.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2010.
M.L.M. Graymore, Neil G. Sipe, Roy E. Rickson. (2010) Sustaining Human Carrying Capacity: A tool for regional sustainability assessment. Ecological Economics 69, 459-468.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2010.
Janet Cochrane. (2010) The Sphere of Tourism Resilience. Tourism Recreation Research 35, 173-185.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2010.
Dirk S. Hovorka, Nancy Auerbach. 2010. The generative potential of participatory geographic information systems. Positive Design and Appreciative Construction: From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Value, 157-173.
Jonas Joerin, Rajib Shaw. 2010. Chapter 9 Climate change adaptation and urban risk management. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Issues and Challenges, 195-215.
Loraine McFadden, Edmund Penning-Rowsell, Sue Tapsell. (2009) Strategic coastal flood-risk management in practice: Actors’ perspectives on the integration of flood risk management in London and the Thames Estuary. Ocean & Coastal Management 52, 636-645.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2009.
Emily Boyd, Natasha Grist, Sirkku Juhola, Valerie Nelson. (2009) Exploring Development Futures in a Changing Climate: Frontiers for Development Policy and Practice. Development Policy Review 27, 659-674.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2009.
Elena G. Irwin, Ciriyam Jayaprakash, Darla K. Munroe. (2009) Towards a comprehensive framework for modeling urban spatial dynamics. Landscape Ecology 24, 1223-1236.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2009.
Newton Bueno, Xavier Basurto. (2009) Resilience and collapse of artisanal fisheries: a system dynamics analysis of a shellfish fishery in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Sustainability Science 4, 139-149.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2009.
Georgina Cundill, Christo Fabricius. (2009) Monitoring in adaptive co-management: Toward a learning based approach. Journal of Environmental Management 90, 3205-3211.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2009.
Erin Clover Kelly, John C. Bliss. (2009) Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities: An Emerging Paradigm for Natural Resource-Dependent Communities?. Society & Natural Resources 22, 519-537.
Online publication date: 4–Jun–2009.
Valeria Andreoni, Stefano Bisogni, Gabriele Buson, Otello Campanelli, Brunella Cozzo, Marco Duriavig, Yuri Kato, Hirokazu Kubo, Roberta Sanasi, Kodai Tateno, Akira Watanabe. (2009) An Integrated Approach to Managing Change. Transition Studies Review 16, 368-378.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2009.
Lihua Yang, Jianguo Wu. (2009) Scholar-participated governance as an alternative solution to the problem of collective action in social–ecological systems. Ecological Economics 68, 2412-2425.
Online publication date: 1–Jun–2009.
Serhiy Y. Ponomarov, Mary C. Holcomb. (2009) Understanding the concept of supply chain resilience. The International Journal of Logistics Management 20:1, 124-143.
Online publication date: 22–May–2009.
Robin Mahon, Lucia Fanning, Patrick McConney. (2009) A governance perspective on the large marine ecosystem approach. Marine Policy 33, 317-321.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2009.
Elizabeth T. Kennedy, Hari Balasubramanian, William E. M. Crosse. (2009) Issues of scale and monitoring status and trends in biodiversity. New Directions for Evaluation 2009:10.1002/ev.v2009:122, 41-51.
Online publication date: 1–Mar–2009.
Henny Osbahr, Chasca Twyman, W. Neil Adger, David S.G. Thomas. (2008) Effective livelihood adaptation to climate change disturbance: Scale dimensions of practice in Mozambique. Geoforum 39, 1951-1964.
Online publication date: 1–Nov–2008.
Ping Zhou. (2008) Planning E-Government As Complex Adaptive System. 2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 1-4.
Maria Carmen Lemos, Emma L. Tompkins. (2008) Creating Less Disastrous Disasters. IDS Bulletin 39, 60-66.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2008.
Emma L. Tompkins, Roger Few, Katrina Brown. (2008) Scenario-based stakeholder engagement: Incorporating stakeholders preferences into coastal planning for climate change. Journal of Environmental Management 88, 1580-1592.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2008.
Jiunn-Der Duh, Vivek Shandas, Heejun Chang, Linda A. George. (2008) Rates of urbanisation and the resiliency of air and water quality. Science of The Total Environment 400, 238-256.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2008.
Monique F. W. Slegers and Leo Stroosnijder. (2008) Beyond the Desertification Narrative: A Framework for Agricultural Drought in Semi-arid East Africa.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 37:5, 372-380.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (278 KB)
Tabatha J. Wallington, Geoffrey Lawrence. (2008) Making democracy matter: Responsibility and effective environmental governance in regional Australia. Journal of Rural Studies 24, 277-290.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2008.
Regina Lindborg, Jan Bengtsson, Åke Berg, Sara A.O. Cousins, Ove Eriksson, Tomas Gustafsson, Knut Per Hasund, Lisette Lenoir, Aina Pihlgren, Erik Sjödin, Marie Stenseke. (2008) A landscape perspective on conservation of semi-natural grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 125, 213-222.
Online publication date: 1–May–2008.
Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, Rathindra N. Roy. (2008) Governing fisheries as complex adaptive systems. Marine Policy 32, 104-112.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2008.
Sophie Bastien-Daigle, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Omer Chouinard. (2008) Learning the ropes: Lessons in integrated management of coastal resources in Canada’s Maritime Provinces. Ocean & Coastal Management 51, 96-125.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2008.
Jianguo Liu, Thomas Dietz, Stephen R. Carpenter, Carl Folke, Marina Alberti, Charles L. Redman, Stephen H. Schneider, Elinor Ostrom, Alice N. Pell, Jane Lubchenco, William W. Taylor, Zhiyun Ouyang, Peter Deadman, Timothy Kratz, and William Provencher. (2007) Coupled Human and Natural Systems.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36:8, 639-649.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (567 KB)
Terence P. Hughes, Lance H. Gunderson, Carl Folke, Andrew H. Baird, David Bellwood, Fikret Berkes, Beatrice Crona, Ariella Helfgott, Heather Leslie, Jon Norberg, Magnus Nyström, Per Olsson, Henrik Österblom, Marten Scheffer, Heidi Schuttenberg, Robert S. Steneck, Maria Tengö, Max Troell, Brian Walker, James Wilson, and Boris Worm. (2007) Adaptive Management of the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon World Heritage Areas.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36:7, 586-592.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (554 KB)
Patrick McConney, Roland Baldeo. (2007) Lessons in co-management from beach seine and lobster fisheries in Grenada. Fisheries Research 87, 77-85.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2007.
Bisessar Chakalall, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, Leonard Nurse, Derrick Oderson. (2007) Governance of fisheries and other living marine resources in the Wider Caribbean. Fisheries Research 87, 92-99.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2007.
Daanish Mustafa, Muhammed Usman Qazi. (2007) Transition from Karez to Tubewell Irrigation: Development, Modernization, and Social Capital in Balochistan, Pakistan. World Development 35, 1796-1813.
Online publication date: 1–Oct–2007.
Justin G. Ryan, John A. Ludwig, Clive A. Mcalpine. (2007) Complex adaptive landscapes (CAL): A conceptual framework of multi-functional, non-linear ecohydrological feedback systems. Ecological Complexity 4, 113-127.
Online publication date: 1–Sep–2007.
Madroño 54:3, 215-224.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (146 KB)
ANDREW J. KERKHOFF and BRIAN J. ENQUIST. (2007) The Implications of Scaling Approaches for Understanding Resilience and Reorganization in Ecosystems.
BioScience 57:6, 489-499.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (4291 KB)
Josette Garnier, Gilles Billen. (2007) Production vs. Respiration in river systems: An indicator of an “ecological status”. Science of The Total Environment 375, 110-124.
Online publication date: 1–Apr–2007.
Henri Décamps. (2007) La vulnérabilité des systèmes socioécologiques aux événements extrêmes : exposition, sensibilité, résilience. Natures Sciences Sociétés 15, 48-52.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2007.
Tobias Lindborg, Regina Lindborg, Anders Löfgren, Björn Söderbäck, Clare Bradshaw, and Ulrik Kautsky. (2006) A Strategy for Describing the Biosphere at Candidate Sites for Repositories of Nuclear Waste: Linking Ecosystem and Landscape Modeling.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 35:8, 418-424.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (251 KB)
Barry Smit, Johanna Wandel. (2006) Adaptation, adaptive capacity and vulnerability. Global Environmental Change16, 282-292.
Online publication date: 1–Aug–2006.
S. Botton, M. van Heusden, J. R. Parsons, H. Smidt, N. van Straalen. (2006) Resilience of Microbial Systems Towards Disturbances. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 32, 101-112.
Online publication date: 1–Jan–2006.
Emma L. Tompkins, W. Neil Adger. (2005) Defining response capacity to enhance climate change policy. Environmental Science & Policy 8, 562-571.
Online publication date: 1–Dec–2005.
Carl Folke, Thomas Hahn, Per Olsson, Jon Norberg. (2005) ADAPTIVE GOVERNANCE OF SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 30:1, 441-473.
Online publication date: 21–Nov–2005.
Emma L. Tompkins. (2005) Planning for climate change in small islands: Insights from national hurricane preparedness in the Cayman Islands. Global Environmental Change 15, 139-149.
Online publication date: 1–Jul–2005.
Thomas Elmqvist, Fikret Berkes, Carl Folke, Per Angelstam, Anne-Sophie Crépin, and Jari Niemelä. (2004) The Dynamics of Ecosystems, Biodiversity Management and Social Institutions at High Northern Latitudes.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 33:6, 350-355.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (417 KB)
K.J Wessels, S.D Prince, P.E Frost, D van Zyl. (2004) Assessing the effects of human-induced land degradation in the former homelands of northern South Africa with a 1 km AVHRR NDVI time-series. Remote Sensing of Environment91, 47-67.
Online publication date: 1–May–2004.
Norman D. Yan, Brian Leung, Wendel (Bill) Keller, Shelley E. Arnott, John M. Gunn, and Gunnar G. Raddum. (2003) Developing Conceptual Frameworks for the Recovery of Aquatic Biota from Acidification.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 32:3, 165-169.
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Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (171 KB)
Timothy Ehlinger, Lucica Tofan, Mirela Bucur, Jill Enz, Jason Carlson, Richard Shaker. Application of a Participatory Ex Ante Assessment Model for Environmental Governance and Visualizing Sustainable Redevelopment in Gorj County, Romania. Agricultural and Environmental Informatics, Governance and Management, 61-86.
Paul Theron. ICT Resilience as Dynamic Process and Cumulative Aptitude. Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and Resilience in the ICT Sector, 1-35.
Paul Theron. ICT Resilience as Dynamic Process and Cumulative Aptitude. Crisis Management, 1384-1420.
Timothy Ehlinger, Lucica Tofan, Mirela Bucur, Jill Enz, Jason Carlson, Richard Shaker. Application of a Participatory Ex Ante Assessment Model for Environmental Governance and Visualizing Sustainable Redevelopment in Gorj County, Romania. Regional Development, 743-768.
Timothy Ehlinger, Lucica Tofan, Mirela Bucur, Jill Enz, Jason Carlson, Richard Shaker. Application of a Participatory Ex Ante Assessment Model for Environmental Governance and Visualizing Sustainable Redevelopment in Gorj County, Romania. Regional Development, 743-768.
Bhaskar Shrinivasulu Padigala. Traditional Water Management System for Climate Change Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystems. Reconsidering the Impact of Climate Change on Global Water Supply, Use, and Management, 9-32.