Through data and transparency, USGBC will expand LEED’s reach around the globe. As I get settled into my new role as president and CEO of USGBC and GBCI, I am deeply grateful for the [...]
Starting today, you can discover and access green building-related and LEED-specific policies across the United States in the new USGBC Public Policy Library. The library is an interactive [...]
Right now, more than 82,000 commercial projects are participating in LEED—equivalent to more than 1.4 billion gross square meters (GSM) of space worldwide. And every day, about 170,000 GSM of [...]
Business sustainability is often defined as managing the triple bottom line – a process by which companies manage their financial, social and environmental risks, obligations and [...]
What are the actual barriers and drivers for sustainable building? A literature review, interviews and case studies are presented to address this question. Sustainable building is not hindered by [...]
While the vast majority of US companies are asleep at the wheel when it comes to tackling climate change, these corporations are best in class, according to a new report While the vast majority [...]
Consider these morsels from last week’s Wall Street Journal: “By 2050, there could be two billion cars on the road — twice as many as there are today.” “Energy [...]
Sustainable Business Strategies is a consultancy founded in 2005 by Andrew W. Savitz, author of The Triple Bottom Line and formerly a lead partner running PricewaterhouseCoopers’ sustainability [...]
Sustainability and business are not always seen as a good working pair. Businesses often struggle to implement sustainability measures, as they think that it is taking money from shareholders. [...]
Bribery is one of the world’s most destructive and challenging issues. With over US$ 1 trillion paid in bribes each year*, the consequences are catastrophic, reducing quality of life, increasing [...]